Age (Years) 11Year Of Birth 2010Sex MaleBreed MixedColour Black and brownSize MediumWeight (Kgs) approx 15kgGood With Children? Not TestedGood With Other Dogs? Yes with female dogsGood With Cats? NoEnergy Level calmTemperament A little shyExperienced Owners Only NoNeutered YesVaccinated YesMicrochipped Yes
Alf is a little dog who likes female dogs but not so keen on the boys.
Alf is a little shy and not one for cuddles but we really feel he could be a super little companion for someone.
Alf is calm and quiet and would be a great dog for an older adopter.
He is neutered, microchipped and vaccinated and we would love to see I'm travel to a wonderful home.
I would love to give him a forever home.
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