Simo's Friends- Sanctuary Dogs


Simo's Friends is a side project of Hope VMS Elaine's Dog dedicated to forever care of senior dog. These are the dogs whoes age or medical condition makes them difficult and unlikely to get adopted.

Thanks to the support of our own Don Irving, as well as Verein Fenja rescue and Ivka Simic we have managed to purchase and decorate office container which is now in a separate area next to the main shelter.

This means that our sanctuary dogs can enjoy some peace and quiet and have a warm and cozy are to sleep in. Their comfort and well being are of outmost importance to us.

We welcome sponsors who would like to help with montlhy bills such as the purchase of special food, medication and supplements. Due to their age and health conditions these dogs often visit vet and we always need help paying the bills.

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Sanctuary Dog

Sanctuary Dog

Sanctuary Dog

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