

Age (Years):  2
Year Of Birth:  2022
In Shelter Since:  2024
Sex:  Male
Breed:  Golden Retriever Cross
Colour:  Gold and White
Size:  Medium
Weight (Kgs):  17 kg
Good With Children?  Yes
Good With Other Dogs?  Yes
Good With Cats?  Not Tested
Energy Level:  Full of energy
Temperament:  Playful, energetic, active
Neutered:  Yes
Vaccinated:  Yes
Microchipped:  Yes

Meet Cappuccino: Your Energetic and Loving Golden Retriever Mix

If you’re looking for a smaller version of a golden retriever brimming with energy and love, look no further than Cappuccino! This beautiful 2-year-old crossbreed is full of life and joy.

Cappuccino is an energetic and active dog who thrives on attention and affection. While he may be a bit exuberant with other dogs at the shelter, often jumping and playing, he is a perfect gentleman on his walks outside. His playful nature means he can be a bit of a handful for other dogs, but he’s always friendly and eager to have fun.

Despite a rough past where he was kept on a chain, Cappuccino's love for people shines through. He was rescued from this harsh life in May, and he’s shown nothing but affection and enthusiasm for his human friends.

Cappuccino would thrive in an active home where he can get plenty of exercise and attention. If you have a dynamic lifestyle and are looking for a loyal and loving companion, Cappuccino is the perfect match for you!

Come meet Cappuccino and give him the loving home he deserves. He’s ready to fill your life with energy, joy, and unconditional love.

If you would like to adopt this dog, please complete the adoption application form here

If you would just like to ask a question about this dog, please contact us here.

Either way, we will be very happy to hear from you.

Alternatively, Fosterers are always wanted. If you feel you could help in the short term to foster one of ours dogs, please complete the foster application form here.

Thank you.

Adopting from our shelter is probably easier than you think. Before adoption, all dogs are vaccinated, microchipped, treated for worms and fleas, and have their own passports. To help defer those costs, we ask for a donation fee of 500 Euros (approx £430) which includes adoption fee and transportation costs. As the transport costs do vary, we can help with fundraising for these costs if necessary.

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