Jack Skellington

Jack Skellington
Jack SkellingtonJack SkellingtonJack Skellington
Jack SkellingtonJack SkellingtonJack Skellington

Age (Years)  7 weeks
Year Of Birth  2023
In Shelter Since  2023
Sex  Male
Breed  Mix
Colour  brown and white
Size  Puppy


If you would like to adopt this dog, please complete the adoption application form here

If you would just like to ask a question about this dog, please contact us here.

Either way, we will be very happy to hear from you.

Alternatively, Fosterers are always wanted. If you feel you could help in the short term to foster one of ours dogs, please complete the foster application form here.

Thank you.

Adopting from our shelter is probably easier than you think. Before adoption, all dogs are vaccinated, microchipped, treated for worms and fleas, and have their own passports. To help defer those costs, we ask for a donation fee of 500 Euros (approx £430) which includes adoption fee and transportation costs. As the transport costs do vary, we can help with fundraising for these costs if necessary.

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